I offer therapeutic sessions, parent coaching, clinical consultation, and professional trainings.

Therapeutic Services
Assessments, recommendations, and individual treatment options are explained for adults and adolescents who may have challenges with anxiety, avoidance, fears, OCD, and other life interfering difficulties. Treatment is available in person and virtually. In person is recommended for adolescents.
Parent Coaching
Available to parents of teens or adults living at home who are finding it difficult to function in one or more area they consider important and need informed parental support. As a mom, I know parents always have the best intentions when it comes to their children. The complexity of their teenager’s or adult child’s challenges may be outside the scope of normal parenting. Parent Coaching is recommended when the efforts of parents seem to make no difference or, in some instances, indirectly and unintentionally aggravate the situation.

Clinical Consultation and Trainings
Clinical consultation on assessment, treatment, complex situations is rewarding and challenging. I consult with clinicians who are relatively new practitioners and others who are experienced but are stumped by situations that surface with new clients and with clients they’ve been treating for a while. Periodic consultation is advisable for all clinicians regardless of experience. I offer consultation and also receive consultation. A fresh perspective is useful when it fits and even when it doesn’t. It promotes another way of considering the dilemma. This helps open the clinician’s ability to unblock and use their own understanding of the client to move forward.